Calendar Wiki

Below is a list of calendars that either

  • have been proposed as candidates for a new calendar to replace the commonly used one,
  • have been devised for some particular purpose (e.g., staying in sync with the Moon's phases, or for living on Mars),
  • have been invented because the calendar maker felt the urge to do so or
  • for some or all of these reasons.

This list also includes calendars of dubious historicity and some that are perhaps not entirely serious.

Proposed calendars

Also see: Proposed calendars

Reformed calendars

Alternative calendars

Calendars by days per week
3–6 days per week 7 days per week 8–10 days per week

Calendars intended for other places than Earth

Category Calendars intended for other places than Earth not found

Fictional calendars

Religious Based Calendars

Badi (Baha'i) Calendar.
